Hello everybody! I’m back!!!
Hello everybody! I’m back!!! I see that during this summer the site society has formed, so many of the site visitors have found each other. Tour schedule for October has already been published on the site, come to my concerts!
After marvelous holydays in Italy I’ve started working on my new romance album. Following your comments on the site you liked songs ‘Bud pervoy’ and ‘Nado vernutsa’, - so they will be included in the new album.
There is news on my international album. We have recorded several songs, now we are working on German and Italian versions of the song ‘Noch’ (The Night). For a while I’m ready to show you the two absolutely new songs that I sing in German: ‘Der Wind’ (The Wind) and ‘Zigeunermädle’ (Rada The Zingara). The latter being published only partially because the work has not completed yet. ‘Rada The Zingara’ may be later recorded in Russian as well. I’ll be glad to receive your feedback. You can hear to these songs in "Unpublished album"
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