Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk, Naryan-Mar
I seldom manage to go on tour to our northern cities – Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk, Naryan-Mar, all the more so I value to meet my audience in there. Welcome to my concerts! I will show you my most favourite romances – those that you all know well, and also the songs from my new album "Ya objavlyayu vam lyubov" ("I declare love on you").
I’m charmed by the beauty of this place, by the ‘white nights’ romantics. While travelling from Severodvinsk to Arkhangelsk I have made several pictures during the sunset. I had to do that quickly because of lots of mosquitoes here at this time :)
Severodvinsk, 06.06.2011
Arkhangelsk, 07.06.2011
Naryan-Mar, 09.06.2011
I have managed to make several pictures of Naryan-Mar from the airplane. It’s very nice city. Simplicity in planning and architecture harmonizes with bright colours of the buildings. From the airplane buildings look as if they are made of Lego construction toy.
There is very rigorous climate here. Poor soil gives raise to short crooked trees, the ground is covered by the carpet of white moss. There are swarms of midgets that as local say can bring to death a calf in the forest.
In spite of the climate the local people are very friendly, open, sociable, and live jolly. While staying here I managed to visit shaman Kolya. He says that he is the only white shaman in this place. First I was concerned about talking to shaman but he assured me that this is not dangerous but even useful.
He has his own herd of reindeer. But I have seen just one young deer. As a real shaman Kolya has a collection of tambourines. He played one and presented it to me then. Art crafts are very developed here. I have bought several interesting things to present them to my children, to let them know the unique identity of this place.
This is a wish tree. You just need to make a wish, keeping silence, and tie a ribbon on the tree, – this will make your wish come true.I have tied two ribbons. Kolya told me that over a hundred years ago a shaman was buried here, - that’s why one can feel very strong energy here.
The concert in Naryan-Mar took place in "Arctica" business and music hall. The hall is wonderful and technically advanced. I was very pleased to work there!

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